Tuesday, May 22, 2012

They are growing too fast!

As I rocked my baby girl to sleep tonight and she snuggled up to my shoulder I realized that this time will pass all too soon.  Soon she'll be too big to nestle into my lap in the rocking chair and then she'll be too big to want to snuggle with me.  So I'll take these moments and hope that time stands still for just a while longer. 

Today is Tuesday, which means tomorrow is Wednesday which is really my Thursday since I don't work Fridays, and this excites me!  One more week almost down.  Yeah to weekend and rest!  But oh wait that means one more week closer to my little boy being a four year old and one less week left in Molly's second year!  When did my babies get so big?!!

Mark over the weekend started asking pretty important questions.  I'm going to recount the conversations for my own memory.

Mark: "Hey Mom look the sun is orange.  Are we on Earth (I answer yes) ? Is it a Ball?"
Me: "Well it's a sphere which is like a ball."
Mark: "Why?"
Me: "Because it's how God made the Earth."
Mark: "Is God underground?"
Me: "Well God is everywhere."
Mark: "Is he at our house?"
Me: "Yes."
Mark: "But we can't find him."
Me: "Well you can't see him you have to believe in Him."
Mark: "You have to seek Him and pray for Him."
Me: "Did you say Seek Him?"
Mark: "Yeah I did."

Next conversation on the way home from church this last Sunday...

Mark: "Here Mom I drew a circle for God.  Can you take me to Him so I can give Him this?"
Me: "Well I can't take you to Him but we can mail it to Him."
Mark: "Is he in Heaven? How do you get to Heaven? Is it when you get dead?"
Me: (THinking oh wow is this really happening now?!) "Well yes baby it is, but it's more than that..."

Wow he's not even 4 and he's already asking about being a Christian!  I consider that such a blessing and thank you Lord that my little boy already craves knowing you.  Thank you for all the Christian leaders in his life pointing him in your direction!  I pray the same for Molly. 

I love these sweet babes and they are growing too quickly before my eyes!


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